Dorothee Besland
About me
I am a qualified and accredited psychotherapist with clinical experience across a variety of settings. I worked within the NHS in a GP surgery and practiced for two years in a Charity in London. My experience is in short term psychodynamic counselling (10-30 sessions) or open-ended psychotherapy.
After a B.Sc. in Psychology, I specialised in a Master’s of Psychology for Childhood and Adolescence (University-Paris VIII). I have later completed a Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy at Birkbeck University, University of London. The combination of these two courses has enriched my clinical expertise by allowing me to practice with a variety of clients.​ Having lived in several countries, including the United States, the Middle-East, United Kingdom and France has also enriched my understanding of various cultures and religions and identity issues.
As a member of the BACP (British Association of Counseling and Psychotherapy) and BPC (British Psychoanalytic Council) and accredited Psychoanalyst of l'Association des Psychanalystes Européens, I adhere to their code of ethics, which involves regular supervision and constant pursuit of personal development.